What is Bring Your Own Voice?
Bring Your Own Voice was conceived as a method of letting otherwise uninvolved people participate in the creation of music through the use of their voices.
Here is how it works:
Me - My name is Halsey Burgund. I am a musician. I write songs based in large part on voices that I collect. These impromptu and planned recordings of words, the voices that speak those words, and the situations in which those words arise form the basis of my songs in a variety of ways including narrative, poetry, philosophical statement, or simply sound and rhythm.
Words - I write words. People speak words. The world is full of words. Words are used for communication. Words can also easily miscommunicate. The same word can be used in numerous ways and the context a word inhabits can be vastly influential on the resulting meaning. I like to play with words and rearrange them with each other into phrases, sentences, stanzas, etc. in intended and unintended ways.
You - Your voice is unique. Your voice is a fingerprint of yourself. The way you intone words, the speed you speak, the inflections you use are all part of a unique aural fingerprint that identifies you as an individual. Even though you may be saying to yourself that you hate the way you sound, I am fascinated by the variety and expressive capacity of the human voice. I explore this in my music.
The Bring Your Own Voice Booth
You enter the booth. You speak. I record you.
Songs - Miraculously songs coalesce around these voice recordings. Actually, lots of hard work, mental anguish and emotional strain are expended and songs tend to eventually make their way into this world. And they rock.
In summation - I don't want famous voices. I want voices of normal people like myself, my friends and my family. I want voices who don't know me and voices I do not know. I want your voice.
And who knows, I might make you famous.